Hello again Science Fans!
It is the last week of the first month of 2025, and already it has been an unprecedented month. From the fires in and around Los Angeles to Trump’s first week in office, a lot has happened.
Let’s start with the end of the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission. Gaia saw first light in July, 2014. As the image above shows, it was busy, lasting almost twice as long as expected.
Gaia’s primary mission was to develop a precise map of the Milky Way, our home galaxy. Data from the mission is still being analyzed and we can expect more announcement of discoveries within that data that continue to challenge and change our understanding of our galaxy.
Last starlight for Gaia was on January 15, although the mission isn’t quite complete. Read about what Gaia accomplished and what’s next. There are some beautiful images of the Milky Way in this article, derived from Gaia’s data.
As long as we’re talking about beautiful images, the very next day a huge composite image (2.5 billion pixels!) of our closest neighbor galaxy, Andromeda, was released. It shows more than 200 million individually resolved stars! For more than a decade, the Hubble Space Telescope has been taking pictures of Andromeda and this mosaic is the result. The release of this picture coincides with the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Andromeda by Edwin Hubble, the telescope’s namesake.
The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are on a collision course, although we need not worry just yet. It will be 5 to 10 billion years before this happen. Andromeda is believed to have already colided with Messier 32, stealing most of Messier’s stars.
There’s a lot of stuff out in space, and there are lots of security cameras here on earth. Last July a meteorite landed in British Columbia and one of these cameras recorded it. It is believed to be the first time such an event has been captured live, complete with sound.
Last December 20th marked the 5th anniversary of the U. S. Space Force. I have to admit I didn’t think much of the creation of a new branch of the military at the time, but the list of accomplishments in those five years is impressive. Here’s a summary of the first five years.
The Sun is nearing the peak of the current solar cycle, and it has been a very active one. Auroras have been seen at latitudes far closer to the equator than usual, including some around the Bay Area. Now NASA wants to fly two rockets through active auroras to study them. There’s also a lecture on auroras and solar storms this week in San Rafael.
WR 140 is a binary star pair. While there are many binary stars, this one is unusual in that both stars are very massive, luminous stars. They orbit each other in a highly eliptical orbit, meaning most of the time they are far away from each other. But when they get close, things start to happen. The James Webb Space Telescope captured images of WR 140 showing waves of material ejected into space every 7.9 years! Phil Platt’s Bad Astronomy newletter covers this in detail. If you enjoy astronomy, you will probably enjoy Phil’s newsletters.
With the local universities back in session, our calendar is full of events again. Here are some recommendations for you to consider this week:
Wonderfest: The Emotional Brain in a Sleepless World - 01/28/2025 07:00 PM In Novato
NASA's VIPER Mission: Real-time Collaborative Science Operations at the South Pole of the Moon - 01/29/2025 07:00 PM The Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture series returns to in-person events at the newly- refurbished Smithwick Theater, Foothill College.
In news from Washington, President Trump has issued an unprecedented list of Presidential Orders that affect both scientific and non-scientific arms of the government. Of the ones that pertain to science in some way, the outlook isn’t good. One order directed the agencies that are part of the Department of Health and Human Services to stop talking to the public. This covers the public health infrastructure. Research conferences have been canceled, some just hours before they were to start. All travel is frozen.
Trump also signaled that the US would leave the World Health Organization. Here’s a reaction from UC Berkeley, via Professor Stefano Bertozzi. WHO isn’t prefect, but pulling out of it would leave the US more exposed to health threats. Trump tried to pull us from WHO in his first term, but was unsuccessful. Here’s some history of WHO’s accomplishments and areas where it could have done better.
The environment also suffered this week with orders for the government to promote fossil fuels and to end a variety of climate policies, this following the hottest year in recorded history world-wide.
From the firing of as many as 15 Inspector Generals, which appears to be in violation of the law, to cancelation of humanitarian programs, such as the Uniting for Ukraine parole program for refugees of the war, Trump is trying to undo years of progress in a very short amount of time. We’ll have to see how many of these actions stand up to court challenges.
As I often do, I recommend Dr. Heather Cox Richardson’s historic take on some of these actions.
Have a great week in Science!
Bob Siederer
Upcoming Events:
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Monday, 01/27/2025
Feeding Massive Galaxies in the Early Universe from the Cosmic Web - 01/27/2025 12:10 PM
Campbell Hall, Rm 131 Berkeley
Gas accretion onto galaxies is perhaps the most fundamental process driving their evolution, supplyiing fuel for star formation, setting the angular momentum and size of disk galaxies, and driving turbulence and disk instabilities. Over the last two decades, a coherent picture has emerged whereby gas is accreted onto dark matter halos from the intergalactic medium (IGM) primarily in a smooth flow along filaments and sheets comprising the cosmic web of large scale structure, rather than through mergers. During cosmic noon, at redshifts near the peak of cosmic structure formation, intergalactic filaments manifest as narrow streams of cold gas that feed galaxies directly from the cosimic web, penetrating their dark matter haloes, and free falling to the central disk, even in massive halos filled with hot gas.
Speaker: Nir Mandelker, Hebrew University
Leveraging Windows of Opportunity in Early Childhood and Adolescence for Systems-Level Change - 01/27/2025 12:10 PM
Berkeley School of Education Berkeley
Our goals for this session aim at a translational bridge - from actionable insights into sensitive periods of learning, to strategies for improving practices, policies, and organizational systems that support children and adolescents. We describe a framework, some key principles, and promising approaches. We highlight the need for interdisciplinary teams, working together, to advance testable hypotheses at the systems and policy level.
To unpack some of the key principles and consider this framework in more depth, we examine two (contrasting) developmental windows: early childhood and adolescence. Each window represents: a) a period of rapid growth and physical development; b) a period of formative social and relational learning; c) a period of vulnerabilities (when negative experiences can impact multiple long-term outcomes); and d) a time of opportunities, when investing in supporting positive learning and development can improve long-term physical and mental health, as well as educational, social, and economic success.
Yet, the challenges to effectively leverage these insights for social impact also reveal sharp contrasts. That is, actionable insights about how to scaffold and support healthy social and relational learning experiences change dramatically across development. A more integrative understanding of these opportunities holds great promise.
In this session, Dr. Bridges will provide some illustrative examples of these points focusing on how family and preschool relational learning influences social and emotional development (and more broadly, can impact multiple outcomes).
Dr. Dahl will provide more in-depth description of social learning during the transition into adolescence, and some promising approaches to leveraging adolescence as a second window of vulnerability and opportunity for social and relational learning.
Drs. Fernald and Ozer will then provide some commentary and insights from their own research and perspectives. This will be followed by open discussion and consideration of promising paths forward - advancing scientific understanding and its social impact.
Panelist:Ron Dahl, MD, Professor of Community Health Sciences, Berkeley Public Health
Panelist:Margaret Bridges, PhD, Research Scientist, Institute of Human Development
Panelist: Lia Fernald, PhD, Professor of Community Health Sciences, Berkeley Public Health
Panelist: Emily Ozer, PhD, Professor and Director, Institute of Human Development
Toward models of human cognition that achieve human like abilities - 01/27/2025 12:30 PM
Stanford Symbolic Systems Forum Stanford
In the past, models of human cognition attempted to capture principles of human cognition but they could not actually achieve human like levels of performance in a wide range of domains. For example, they could not recognize objects in images, learn to beat a good Chess player, or translate from one language into another. In contrast, recent advances in AI have created machines that often exceed human abilities, but they do not do so in human like ways. These systems also have some important weaknesses compared to our human cognitive abilities. In this talk, I will review some of the strengths and weaknesses of today’s AI systems and sketch an approach toward building models that might someday reach human-level abilities. There are several challenges and open questions that face this approach. In will raise some of these challenges and open questions, and suggest possible ways to approach them.
Speaker: Jay McClelland, Stanford University
See weblink for building admission information
The Human Cost of Wildfires: Protecting Health in a Changing Climate - Livestream - 01/27/2025 01:00 PM
Stanford University
As recovery efforts continue in the wake of the Los Angeles-area wildfires, the need for clear, evidence-based guidance on protecting communities and people’s wellbeing has never been more urgent. Join leading experts in climate science, pediatrics, mental health, environmental health, and climate adaptation to explore wide-ranging short-term and long-term health risks posed by wildfires - from anxiety and trauma to environmental toxicity - and share practical strategies for building resilience and protecting communities.
Chris Field, Director, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
Britt Wray, Director, Community-minded Interventions for Resilience, Climate Leadership, and Emotional Well-being (CIRCLE)
Marshall Burke, Professor, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability
Lisa Patel, Executive Director, Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health Pediatrician, Stanford Medicine
See weblink to register and receive connection information
Controlling and Protecting Quasiparticles in 2-D Quantum Materials - 01/27/2025 02:30 PM
Birge Hall Berkeley
In this presentation, we explore how quasiparticles can be controlled and stabilized within 2-D solids by creating carefully designed atomic hetero structures. Quasiparticles give raise to phenomena such as excitons (bound states of electrons and holes), superconducting states, polaritons (hybrids of light and matter), as well as more exotic systems like Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids. Each of these quasiparticles emerges due to the unique symmetries of the crystal structure.
By engineering precise atomic-scale patterns (heterostructures) within 2-D materials, we can not only protect and manipulate quasiparticles for potential applications, but potentially find new ones. For instance, heterostructures that confine matter in zero, one, or two dimensions allow us to control these emergent properties with unprecedented precision.
In the first part of my talk, I will focus on excitons - quasiparticles formed by electron-hole pairs. We have investigated excitons in stacks of the 2-D materials WS? and WSe?, which are promising candidates for next-generation quantum technologies. These stacks potentially host Bose-Einstein Condensates, a state where excitons behave like a collective whole. By coupling these excitons to plasmonic cavities, we have been able to study how they emit light, particularly “dark excitons,” which don’t normally emit photons. Additionally, we provide evidence of excitons traveling coherently over distances when strongly coupled to plasmons, forming a new hybrid quasiparticle called a plexciton.
In the second part of the talk, I will explore defects in 2-D materials that act as quantum emitters, which are critical for applications like quantum sensing. Using photo Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (photo-STM), we examine how tiny imperfections in the crystal structure of MoSe? and WS? - such as missing atoms - create unique energy states within the material’s band structure. These defects can emit single photons, which is a key requirement for quantum technologies. We have also shown how replacing individual atoms in the structure with elements like carbon or cobalt creates well-defined systems similar to color centers in diamonds, opening the door to new sensing and computational devices.
Finally, I will discuss how certain 1-D defects in 2-D materials - mirror twin boundaries - act as atomically thin conductors, which display a remarkable transition into a quantum liquid state at low temperatures - a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLl). We show that the formation of these TLls requires a combination out of a 2-D and 1 D heterostructure between graphene and 2-D WS2 and how they can give us new insights into highly correlated electron states.
Speaker:Alex Weber Bargioni, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
A Vision for Robotics in the Age of Foundation Models - 01/27/2025 03:30 PM
Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) Colloquium Series Menlo Park
My long-term research goal is to enable real robots to manipulate any kind of object so that they can perform many different tasks in a wide variety of application scenarios, such as in our homes, hospitals, warehouses, or factories. These tasks will require fine sensorimotor skills to, for example, use tools, operate devices, assemble parts, deal with deformable objects, and so on. I would claim that equipping robots with these sensorimotor skills is one of the biggest challenges in robotics. The currently dominant approach to achieving this goal of universal sensorimotor skills is using imitation learning and collecting as much robot data as humanly possible. The promise of this approach is a foundation model for robotics. While I believe in the power of data and simple learning models, I think we need a broader vision and think beyond data collection to achieve the goal of a generalist robot. In this talk, I will discuss the need and some approaches for (1) better robot policy architectures, (2) incorporating multi-sensory data, (3) developing online and lifelong learning algorithms, and (4) agile robot hardware.
Speaker: Jeannette Bohg, Stanford University
Attend in person or watch online here.
Quantifying the physical genome - 01/27/2025 04:00 PM
Stanley Hall Berkeley
My lab aims to understand how a 2 meter long object, the human genome, encodes for molecules which, through physical interaction with the genome itself, evince the immense cellular diversity we observe in the human body. I will discuss efforts to catalog regulatory elements and transcription factor grammars that are advice during human fetal development, and describe single molecule approaches for quantitatively understanding the relationship between transcription factor binding sites, transcription factor occupancy, and gene expression in human cells.
Speaker: William Greenleaf, Stanford University
Descending control of locomotion - 01/27/2025 04:00 PM
James H. Clark Center (Bldg 340) Stanford
Speaker: Helen Yang, Harvard Medical School
Room: Auditorium
Differentially Private Data Structures - 01/27/2025 04:00 PM
Sutardja Dai Hall Berkeley
Differential privacy is one of the most prominent definitions for privacy, being used not only in academic research but also in real-world applications such as Google’s next word prediction. The static data structures setting-where multiple queries must be answered in a differentially private manner over a static data set-is already well understood. The dynamic data structures setting - where updates to the data set occur alongside queries over the current data - was introduced in 2010 by Dwork, Naor, Pitassi, and Rothblum, who called it "differential privacy under continual observation." It has received substantial attention in recent years, largely due to its application in private machine learning. More specifically, using differentially private dynamic data structures in the training of neural networks ensures the privacy of the data while minimizing the loss of prediction accuracy.
I will survey the current state of research, outline the key algorithmic techniques, and highlight my own recent work on this topic. In particular, I will explain the currently most accurate algorithm on differentially private continual prefix sum, which is an essential subroutine in differentially private gradient descent.
Speaker: Moika Henzinger, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria
Resilience in Action - 01/27/2025 04:00 PM
Calvin Laboratory Berkeley
The Berkeley Neuro-AI Resilience Center invites you to its inaugural event, hosted by center directors Professors Daniela Kaufer and Shafi Goldwasser. This evening will highlight the center’s mission to explore resilience as a unifying principle across neuroscience and computation. This event is co-hosted by the Simons Institute’s Research Pod on Resilience in Brain, Natural, and Algorithmic Systems.
Our inaugural speaker, Daniel Jackson (MIT), renowned author of Portraits of Resilience, will share his powerful exploration of personal resilience through compelling stories and insights. This talk will provide a thought-provoking lens on how resilience shapes human experience.
The talk will be followed by a reception at 5:15 p.m. Join us for an inspiring evening of dialogue and connection as we embark on our journey to advance resilience research in the brain and computation.
Register at weblink
Beyond the first law - Peculiarly quantum conservation in thermodynamics - 01/27/2025 04:15 PM
Physics North Berkeley
Starting in undergraduate statistical physics, we study small systems that thermalize by exchanging quantities with large environments. The exchanged quantities - heat, particles, electric charge, etc. - are conserved globally, and the thermalization helps define time’s arrow. If quantum, the quantities are represented by Hermitian operators. We often assume implicitly that the operators commute with each other - for instance, in derivations of the thermal state’s form. Yet operators’ ability to not commute underlies quantum phenomena such as uncertainty principles and measurement disturbance. What happens if thermodynamic conserved quantities fail to commute with each other? This question, mostly overlooked for decades, came to light recently at the intersection of quantum information theory and thermodynamics. Noncommutation of conserved thermodynamic quantities has been found to enhance average entanglement, decrease entropy-production rates, alter basic assumptions behind thermalization, and more. This growing subfield illustrates how 21st-century quantum information science is extending 19th-century thermodynamics.
Speaker: Nicole Yunger Halpern, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Bitcoin+: Blockchain Architectures, Stablecoins, & Its Transformative Potential - 01/27/2025 07:00 PM
Valley Research Park Mountain View
Blockchain technology, widely recognized as the backbone of Bitcoin, has emerged as a revolutionary force poised to redefine industries far beyond cryptocurrencies. This talk delves into the foundational architectural features that distinguish blockchain from traditional technologies, including distributed ledger systems, cryptographic hashing, and consensus algorithms. These components enable blockchain’s unparalleled security, transparency, and decentralization.
We will explore the various types of blockchains - public, private, and consortium - highlighting their unique use cases and governance structures. The session will also introduce Stablecoin, a critical innovation in the blockchain ecosystem. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, Stablecoin is designed to maintain a stable value by being pegged to assets such as fiat currencies or commodities, unlocking new possibilities for cross-border payments, remittances, and financial inclusion.
Moving beyond its origins in digital currencies, the discussion will showcase real-world applications of blockchain in supply chain management, decentralized finance (DeFi), healthcare, and more, illustrating its versatility in solving complex problems across sectors.
Finally, the talk will address the evolving regulatory landscape for blockchain and cryptocurrency, particularly in light of developments surrounding the U.S. elections. Key issues such as Stablecoin oversight, crypto taxation, and the role of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) will be explored to provide insights into the future of blockchain in regulated markets.
Attendees will leave with a comprehensive understanding of blockchain’s technical underpinnings, the role of Stablecoin in modern economies, practical applications, and the critical considerations needed to harness its full potential in a rapidly evolving digital and regulatory landscape.
Speaker: Shachi Sayata, Barclays Bank
Attend in person or online (See weblink for Zoom and YouTube information
Tuesday, 01/28/2025
UC Berkeley Andrew Steitwieser Lecture in Chemistry - 01/28/2025 11:00 AM
Latimer Hall Berkeley
Speaker: Louise Fensterbank, Sorbonne University
Whole-lifespan behavioral tracking to model aging and predict remaining life - CANCELED - 01/28/2025 12:00 PM
Stanford Sleep Community Series
Speaker: Claire Bedbrook, Stanford University
Raising our Expectations for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Work in Geoscience Faculty Evaluation Systems - 01/28/2025 12:00 PM
Braun (Geology) Corner (Bldg 320), Rm 220 Stanford
Racial and ethnic diversity in the geosciences continues to be exceptionally low relative to other STEM fields. These demographics have not shifted over the past 40 years even as gender representation has improved and despite sustained attempts to achieve diversity. These results reflect a need to significantly alter institutional and cultural systems and engage faculty in diversity, equity, and inclusions (DEI) efforts to effect meaningful and sustained change. We interviewed 45 current geoscience faculty members at 4-year academic institutions to identify faculty perceptions of how DEI efforts are valued and considered in evaluation and reward systems. Based on faculty interview responses, growing and sustaining diversity in academia requires looking beyond recruitment and retention of students and should consider the impacts of implicit, systemic, and structural biases found at the institutional level, within career stages and associated reward structures, and throughout the individual demographics in geoscience departments. Recognizing and rewarding equity-building activities as valid faculty scholarship is a big step towards removing educational disparities in STEM.
Speaker: Alisa Kotash, Clackamas Community College
See weblink for Zoom information
Attractors in Black Holes and Cosmology - 01/28/2025 03:30 PM
Hewlett Teaching Center Stanford
The concept of attractors, well-known in classical mechanics, proved very productive in the theory of black holes and inflationary cosmology. I will start with attractors in supersymmetric black holes and discuss how the discovery of Kaluza-Klein black hole attractors helped recently to explain the mysterious cancellation of ultraviolet divergences in 82 Feynman diagrams in 4-loop superamplitude in N=5 supergravity. I will also describe inflationary alpha-attractors. This large class of inflationary models gives predictions that are stable with respect to even very significant modifications of inflationary potentials. These predictions match all presently available CMB-related cosmological data. Some of these models have a Kaluza-Klein origin and provide targets for the future satellite mission LiteBIRD, which will attempt to detect primordial gravitational waves. I will show that potentials in some of the recent advanced versions of cosmological attractors have a beautiful fractal landscape structure.
Speaker: Renata Kallosh, Stanford University
Towards predictive protein separations: Imaging protein dynamics at nanoscale interfaces - 01/28/2025 04:00 PM
Latimer Hall Berkeley
Recent efforts by our group and others have shown the promise of applying single-molecule methods to link mechanistic detail about protein adsorption to macroscale observables. When we study one molecule at a time, we eliminate ensemble averaging, thereby accessing underlying heterogeneity. However, we must develop new methods to increase information content in the resulting low density and low signal-to-noise data and to improve space and time resolution. I will highlight recent advances in super-localization microscopy for quantifying the physics and chemistry that occur between target proteins and stationary phase supports during chromatographic separations. My discussion will concentrate on the newfound ability of single-protein tracking to inform theoretical parameters by quantification of adsorption-desorption dynamics, protein unfolding, and nano-confined transport. Additionally, I will discuss using phase manipulation to encode temporal, 3D spatial, and orientational information, and briefly introduce new materials that could lead to bio-inspired active separations.
Speaker: Christy Landes, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Flows of Water and Waterbirds Across California - Livestream - 01/28/2025 05:30 PM
San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory
Water has always been the heart of California, providing essential habitat for both waterbirds and people. After the Gold Rush, California experienced rapid and widespread destruction and modification of natural hydrological ecosystems and wetlands. This included the rapid conversion of Delta wetlands to peat farmland, development of many North Bay and San Francisco wetlands, and the conversion of much of south San Francisco Bay to commercial salt production ponds. To recover endangered tidal marsh birds and protect communities from sea level rise, the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project is now restoring large swaths of tidal marsh habitat--but they are faced with a new dilemma: many bird species that had used wetlands lost or degraded elsewhere in California have come to use the salt ponds as accidental habitat. Drawing connections across a decade of research on waterbird use of anthropogenic habitats in California and beyond, Dr. Van Schmidt will discuss the contemporary challenges and promising paradigms for conservation of waterbirds in ecosystems that have already been grappling with repeated dramatic transformations over the past 175 years.
Speaker: Nathan Van Schmidt, SF Bay Bird Observatory
Register at weblink to attend
Euclid: Mapping the Geometry of the Dark Universe - Livestream - 01/28/2025 06:00 PM
NASA Night Sky Network
Euclid is a new European Space Agency space telescope with NASA contributions designed to provide new insights into the nature of dark matter and why the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. The term “dark energy” has been given to refer to the unknown cause of this accelerated expansion. Over the course of six years, Euclid will build a sky map covering over one-third of the sky out to distances over 10 billion light-years. This map will be used to probe the large-scale structure of the universe, measure the properties of dark matter and dark energy, and test Einstein’s theory of gravity. Along the way, we will be gathering detailed information on over a billion distant galaxies, as well as providing new views of astronomical objects much closer to home. The talk will describe the Euclid mission, its goals, and some of the early scientific results.
Speaker: Michael Seiffert, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab
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Thinking in Planetary Time - 01/28/2025 07:00 PM
Long Now Foundation San Francisco
Disrupting traditional western understandings of time that separate human history from natural history, Planetary Temporality recognizes that these two modes of history are now inseparable, and that meeting planetary challenges will require that we go beyond our lived experience of time, to think instead in terms of our deep-time embeddedness in the Earth system.
In contrast to anthropocentric “global” issues, “planetary” issues such as climate change and biodiversity operate on vastly different and ultimately ahuman timescales - encompassing geological epochs, evolutionary processes, and the deep history of life on Earth. How can we incorporate these larger, longer systems into our human experience of the planet, and make wiser choices now that support the flourishing of all life for millennia to come?
Speaker: Nils Gilman, Berggruen Institute
Wonderfest: The Emotional Brain in a Sleepless World - 01/28/2025 07:00 PM
Hopmonk Tavern Novato
Insufficient sleep dramatically changes how we feel and think, about ourselves and about others. Even a single night of sleep loss elevates levels of anxiety, depression, and asocial behavior in healthy adults. If sleep loss is chronic, this association can develop into a clinical mental disorder. Since 40% of adults in the US suffer from chronic insufficient sleep, researchers need - and are finding - a better understanding of the interaction between sleep and socio-emotional well-being.
Our speaker is sleep expert Eti Ben-Simon, PhD, Research Scientist at The Center for Human Sleep Science, UC Berkeley.
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary - Discoveries and Surprises - Livestream - 01/28/2025 07:00 PM
American Cetacean Society
Chad King, Research Ecologist at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, will treat us to his many years exploring the Sanctuary. We will celebrate ocean protection with Chad as he leads us into the deep sea and shares his observations and discoveries, covering flora and fauna, including human impact on ocean ecosystems.
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Wednesday, 01/29/2025
I Shared Oceanography Online. Millions Joined the Conversation - Livestream - 01/29/2025 11:00 AM
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Oceanography remains vastly underrepresented in science communication. Take the example of a college freshman who might register for an oceanography class expecting to learn about sharks and whales, only to encounter topics like the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). While such subjects may seem less captivating, the key to effective science communication lies not in the topic but in the storytelling. During my Ph.D., I created a climate and ocean science platform that now engages millions. Despite its importance, science communication often takes a backseat in oceanography due to time constraints and lack of training. In this talk, I will explore how simple, engaging storytelling can make ocean science accessible and compelling. I’ll argue that sharing scientific knowledge is not just an option but a responsibility - and that outreach is critical to the relevance and purpose of our research as scientists.
Speaker: Dr. Paige Hoel
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Engineering Real-Time Sensors and Sustainable Materials for a Healthier Planet - 01/29/2025 12:00 PM
Stanley Hall Berkeley
We currently face rising global temperatures, dwindling natural resources, and increasing threats to human and ecological health. To help meet these challenges, my research group engineers biomolecules and microorganisms for real-time bioelectronic sensing and sustainable materials synthesis. We draw inspiration from how proteins and microorganisms transfer electrons to their environments and scaffold advanced materials. By leveraging these natural processes, we engineer microorganisms with specific capabilities to report on sensing through electron transfer and to create multifunctional living materials. In the first part of my presentation, I will describe how we programmed bacteria to grow into macroscopic materials with tunable mechanical properties. We engineered Caulobacter crescentus to display and secrete an engineered self-interacting protein. This protein assembles cells into hierarchically ordered, centimeter-scale living materials. Manipulating the sequence and domain architecture of the self-interacting protein allows control over the mechanical properties of the resulting materials. This work provides a new platform for growing macroscopic materials with simultaneous control over the materials and biological properties and a route towards sustainable plastics and rubbers. In the second part of my presentation, I will describe how we have engineered chimeric oxidoreductases for real-time bioelectronic monitoring of therapeutics in blood. We developed a chimeric redox protein that shifts its redox activity and modulates its electrical signal in the presence of estrogen antagonists. We combined this sensor with an organic electrochemical transistor to amplify the electrical signal, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio. This work provides a novel concept for bioelectronic sensing akin to amplitude modulation of radio signals in which an allosteric signal modulates the amplitude of the electrical signal.
Speaker: Caroline Ajo-Franklin, Ph.D., Rice University
UC Santa Cruz Whole Earth Seminar - 01/29/2025 03:30 PM
Earth and Marine Sciences Building Santa Cruz
Speaker: Rodrigo Caballero, Stockholm University
Integrated Ocean Observing in Support of Coastal and Climate Resilience - 01/29/2025 03:30 PM
Estuary & Ocean Science Center Tiburon
Speaker: Henry Ruhl, CeNCOOS Director, MBARI / CeNCOOS
Attend in person or click here to watch on Zoom
UC Berkeley Energy and Resources Colloquium - 01/29/2025 04:00 PM
Giannini Hall Berkeley
Speaker: Dan Lashof
Reflecting Worker and Community Outcomes in Decisions to Decarbonize Industry - 01/29/2025 04:30 PM
Shriram Center Stanford
Decarbonizing the industrial sector to mitigate climate change is challenging: not only must multiple processes within existing coupled production systems be transformed, but changing technology and production geography will have consequences for workers, the local environment, and community health. Focusing on the iron and steel industry in the United States and its global context, this talk will describe recent research that crosses scales and disciplines to understand the multifaceted outcomes of decarbonization pathways. We will then consider the implications of using more granular, place-based observations to improve the representation of jobs and air quality impacts in models for industry and policy decisions.
Speaker: Valerie Karplus, Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation
Attend in person or online (see weblink for connection information)
Astronomy on Tap Baton Rouge - Material Technology - Livestream - 01/29/2025 04:30 PM
Astronomy on Tap Baton Rouge
The Ups and Downs of a Balloon Project
Speaker: Caroline Davis
Graphene: Space age materials for future technology
Speaker: Daniel Sheehy
A Philosophy of Planetary Computation: From Antikythera to Synthetic Intelligence - 01/29/2025 07:00 PM
Long Now Foundation San Francisco
The Antikythera mechanism, sometimes called the “first computer,” was more than a calculator; it was also an astronomical device. Thus the birth of computation is in the orienting of intelligence to its planetary condition. From Climate Science to Synthetic Biology, this remains the case.
As computation becomes planetary infrastructure, its myriad hybrid intelligences pose new challenges to fundamental philosophical questions. How does computation become more than a mere technology, but also the medium through which we ask existential questions about who, what and how we are?
Perhaps the most decisive impact of planetary computation will not be in what it does as a tool, but as an epistemological technology: what it discloses to sapient intelligence about how the world works. This in turn alters how intelligence remakes the world, including the ongoing artificialization of intelligence, life, sensation, and ecosystems.
This talk will explore these issues in relation to the work of the Antikythera think-tank and its research on cognitive infrastructures, recursive simulations, hemispherical stacks, planetary sapience, and more.
There are moments in history when ideas of what may be possible are ahead of what is technically feasible, but there are other moments when technologies outpace our concepts available to orient them. What is the philosophical school of thought most appropriate to this reality?
Speaker: Banjamin Bratton, UC San Diego
NASA's VIPER Mission: Real-time Collaborative Science Operations at the South Pole of the Moon - 01/29/2025 07:00 PM
Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series Los Altos Hills
NASA’s VIPER lunar-rover is being planned as humanity’s first resource mapping mission on another celestial body. The Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) will go to the South Pole of the Moon to get a close-up view of the locations that can sustain water ice - ice that could eventually be harvested to suport human exploration on the Moon, on Mars - and beyond. Dim-to-dark lighting at the South Pole and variable communication links to the Earth will require the VIPER team to steer the solar-powered rover away from advancing shadows while maintaining critical communications with Earth so that the team can optimize science return from the Moon. For the first time in NASA’s history, the science team will be fully integrated into the mission operations team and will provide near real-time input on where to explore on the Moon. As the Deputy Project Scientist and Science Operations Lead for VIPER, Dr. Lim will share the first-of-its-kind design of the mission’s Science Center and the plans for lunar exploration. VIPER science operations will set a foundation for NASA that will affect future missions to the Moon and Mars.
Dr. Darlene Lim is a research scientist at the NASA Ames Research Center.
Restoring Wetlands for Climate Resilience - Livestream - 01/29/2025 07:00 PM
City of Sunnyvale
Join us for an informative webinar with Ecological Engineer, Christina Toms, and Senior Water Resources Specialist, Judy Nam to discuss how wetland restoration helps communities adapt to climate change. Discover how these efforts enhance community well-being and foster climate resilience. Explore actionable ways to contribute and make a meaningful impact.
Register for Restoring Wetlands for Climate Resilience
Auroras and Solar Storms - 01/29/2025 07:30 PM
Marin Science Seminar San Rafael
What are those amazing auroras we’ve been seeing around here in recent years? Laura Peticolas earned her B.A. in mathematics and physics at the University of Oregon Honors College and her Ph.D. in physics studying the aurora at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. She then spent 3 years as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California’s Space Sciences Laboratory continuing her study of Earth’s aurora using NASA’s Fast Auroral SnapshoT satellite data and computational models. During this time, she expanded her research to include developing computer models of the Martian aurora. She continued these computational research efforts while transitioning to the profession of education and outreach in 2008. In this presentation she will share her knowledge of auroras and solar storms. Bring your questions and your curiosity!
Speaker: Laura Peticolas, Sonoma State University
Thursday, 01/30/2025
SETI Live: Automated Discovery of Anomalous Features - 01/30/2025 09:00 AM
SETI Institute
Over the past decade, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has captured thousands of high-resolution images of the Moon's surface - far more than humans can manually review. To tackle this challenge, scientists have developed an automated system that quickly identifies scientifically significant images from the LRO data, making it the first anomaly detector for planetary imagery. Experiments show that the system reliably highlights unusual features, such as striking geological formations and sites of human landings or spacecraft crashes. This approach fills a critical gap in planetary science, offering a groundbreaking way to uncover hidden insights in vast archives of remote-sensing data and opening the door to applications across many scientific fields. Join senior planetary astronomer Franck Marchis as he chats with authors Adam Lesnikowski and Daniel Angerhausen about this revolutionary method and its implications for future discoveries.
Editor's Note: This event was originally scheduled for January 16, 2025
Plant and Pollinator Talk with the Pollinator Posse - Livestream - 01/30/2025 12:00 PM
UC Botanical Garden
Join Terry Smith with the Pollinator Posse for a lunchtime plant and pollinator talk!
Details and registration TBA (see weblink)
Man-made Earthquakes and the Energy Transition - 01/30/2025 12:00 PM
Mitchell Earth Sciences Building (04-560) Stanford
Earthquakes occur when faults slip. While the most devastating earthquakes are of tectonic origin, human activities have been associated with the triggering of earthquakes that have caused substantial economic damage and societal concern. The demonstration that fluid injection can cause earthquakes dates back to the 1970s (Raleigh et al., Science 1976), but critical gaps remain in our ability to understand and, more importantly, mitigate, the occurrence of induced earthquakes. Here I will discuss some of our recent work employing contrasting approaches to help fill these gaps: from minimal-ingredients spring-slider models that account for poroelasticity (Alghannam and Juanes, Nature Comm. 2020) to sophisticated multiphysics computational models that integrate disparate datasets and have succeeded at setting management strategies that prevent earthquakes while allowing subsurface operations in a tectonically active field (Hager et al., Nature 2021).
Speaker: Ruben Juanes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room 350/372
Addressing decarbonization strategies through a game theory perspective - 01/30/2025 12:00 PM
Green Earth Sciences Building Stanford
In this talk, Karan Bhuwalka will discuss how a game theory modeling approach to firms’ decision-making can lead to environmental outcomes significantly different from those predicted by system optimization. Karan will present results from a model of four mining companies making production decisions, to show how competitive behavior can lead to overproduction, higher emissions and reduced profits. Analysis will focus on how well-designed policies can prevent excessive impacts.
Speaker: Karan Bhuwalka, Stanford University
Evolutionary Mismatch in the Modern World: Insights from Desert-Adapted Populations - 01/30/2025 12:30 PM
Valley Life Sciences Building Berkeley
Speaker: Julien Ayroles, Princeton University
Contextual Privacy - 01/30/2025 02:00 PM
Sutardja Dai Hall Berkeley
In many markets, protecting participants’ privacy comes into tension with economic and social objectives. We outline a framework for comparing the privacy of different protocols used to implement market rules and carry out computations. Protocols produce a set of contextual privacy violations - information learned about participants that may be superfluous given the context. A protocol is maximally contextually private if there is no protocol that produces a subset of the violations it produces, while still carrying out the market rule. We show that selecting a maximally contextually private protocol involves a deliberate decision about whose privacy is most important to protect, and these protocols delay questions to those they aim to protect. Using the second-price auction rule as an instructive example, we derive a novel design that is maximally contextually private which we call the ascending-join protocol.
Speaker: Zoe Hitzig, Open AI
Attend in person or via YouTube. See weblink
Shaping Public Health Amidst Political Change - Livestream - 01/30/2025 03:00 PM
UC Berkeley
This session features Gina Daly, Director of Federal Government Relations at UC Berkeley and Eve Granatosky, Principal at Lewis and Burke Associates. Our guests will be giving a brief presentation, moderated by Frederick Smith, Assistant Dean for Students on the incoming Trump administration and how it may affect public health.
Register at weblink
Innovative Women in Climate & Tech - 01/30/2025 04:30 PM
Hay Barn Santa Cruz
An evening with women entrepreneurs, funders, and founders to discuss innovation and opportunities to create change.
Discussion panel followed by networking and light refreshments.
Moderator: Sri Kurniawan, Professor of Computational Media, Baskin School of Engineering
Martina Doleshal, Entrepreneur, ESG and Sustainability Leader
Kim Kolt, General Partner at Bay Bridge Ventures and Founder of For Good Ventures
Leslie Nakajima, CMO Cruz Foam
Ying Sun, Founder, Stealth Startup
Hélène Thiebieroz, Senior managing partner, We Grow Green Tech
Adaptation Incentives in a Risky World: Lessons from Los Angeles - Livestream - 01/30/2025 04:30 PM
Stanford University Energy
In this fireside chat, the Stanford Sustainable Finance Initiative (SFI) is delighted to host Matthew Kahn, Provost Professor of Economics at the University of Southern California and Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution, in conversation with Marc Roston, SFI Senior Research Scholar, as they discuss Adaptation Incentives in a Risky World: Lessons from Los Angeles.
Register at weblink to receive connection information
Science on Tap: Fungus Among Us - 01/30/2025 05:30 PM
Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History Pacific Grove
Join us for a special night featuring fungus with local mycologists and mushroom experts! Fungi and mushrooms are still shrouded in mystery, and it often seems that the more we learn the more questions we have. Neither straight plants or animals, living in colonies and completely alone, able to provide delicious snacks, a psychedelic trip, or painful death, mushrooms are vital and confounding. This Science on Tap will shed some light on fabulous fungi with a special emphasis on our local species. It should be a very fun night with a happy half-hour between 5:30 and 6 and lectures starting at 7pm.
See weblink for cost conditions.
Female Founders in Healthtech: A Panel Discussion - 01/30/2025 05:30 PM
555 California St Business Center San Francisco
Join us for an engaging and insightful panel of mid-stage Female Founders in HealthTech, hosted by Female Founders Edge in collaboration with the Berkeley Haas Alumni Department. Hear from accomplished founders about their journeys, challenges, and successes in driving innovation in healthtech.
What to Expect:
Gain valuable insights from healthtech founders innovating across different sectors of healthtech.
Network with like-minded professionals and grow your connections in an empowering environment.
Be inspired by firsthand stories of success from women founders tackling the complexity with healthcare.
This in-person event offers a unique opportunity to engage with inspiring leaders shaping the future of healthtech. Refreshments and light food will be provided. Space is limited - secure your spot today and be part of a meaningful conversation about leadership, innovation, and impact.
Maria Artunduaga, Samay
Wendy Johansson, MiSalud
Miriam Malik, Nema Health
Hannah Weber, HOPO Theraputics
Iris Wedeking, iDentical
Amy Fan, Twentyeight Health, Moderator
NightLife: Lunar Underground - 01/30/2025 06:00 PM
California Academy of Sciences San Francisco
Local treasures, tasty treats, LED lion dances. It’s time to ring in the year of the snake the NightLife way.
After Dark: Lunar New Year - 01/30/2025 06:00 PM
ExplOratorium San Francisco
Celebrate the Year of the Snake at the Exploratorium!
18+ Only
Space Bridge Partners: Connecting Funders and Space Missions - 01/30/2025 06:00 PM
Hacker Dojo Mountain View
Every year around the world, dozens of universities, civil space agencies, and nonprofit organizations plan crucial space missions focused on exploration, science, and education objectives, and then they struggle to get the funding needed to turn their dreams into reality. Ironically, at the same time, there are hundreds of family offices, corporate brands, media producers, and commercial banks that have funds available to support space projects. Unfortunately, they struggle to find the best way to connect with any space missions and structure a mutually beneficial relationship. Space Bridge Partners fills this gap in order to help humanity broaden its knowledge of the Earth and the universe in which we exist.
Come join our guest, CEO Sarah Pousho, as she talks about what Space Bridge Partners does, and what their mission is. She’ll also give some anonymized examples of the missions currently in their pipeline.
Lecture is free, food ticket optional. Lecture starts at 6:30
Silicon Valley Reads 2025 - Empowering Humanity: Technology for a Better World - 01/30/2025 07:00 PM
De Anze Visual and Performing Arts Center Cupertino
Join us for a thought-provoking conversation about technology and humanity with Silicon Valley Read’s featured authors Charlee Dyroff (Loneliness & Company), Dr. Fei-Fei Li (The Worlds I See: Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery at the Dawn of AI), and Ray Nayler (The Mountain in the Sea).
Attendees are invited to come early to see two robot dogs and visit the Euphrat Museum of Art, for their special exhibit where artists will be showcased around the theme "Encoding Empathy."
Attend in person or online. Register at weblink
Friday, 01/31/2025
UC Santa Cruz Geophysical & Planetary Physics Seminar - 01/31/2025 12:00 PM
Earth and Marine Sciences Building Santa Cruz
Speaker: Baltay Annemarie
Optical Mode Engineering in Semiconductor Diode LasersCommercial Microelectronics for Defense Applications - 01/31/2025 01:00 PM
Cory Hall Berkeley
Photonic research has a distinguished legacy beginning with the invention of the semiconductor laser diode 63 years ago that has enabled countless applications entrenched into modern society. Today we still mostly rely on Gaussian modes emitted from semiconductor lasers with often the objective of reducing the number of lasing modes. We discuss control of index-guided and anti-guided optical modes in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) and coherently coupled 2-dimensional laser arrays using control of refractive index and spatially localized gain. Possible applications of non-Gaussian VCSEL modes from coherent VCSEL arrays will be highlighted.
Speaker: Kent Choquette, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
UC Berkeley Inorganic Chemistry Seminar - 01/31/2025 04:00 PM
Latimer Hall Berkeley
Speaker: Jon Rittle, UC Berkeley
Saturday, 02/01/2025
First Saturday: Free Tour of the Santa Cruz Arboretum - 02/01/2025 11:00 AM
Santa Cruz Arboretum & Botanic Garden Santa Cruz
Around the World in 60-90 Minutes!
On the first Saturday of each month, the Arboretum offers a docent or staff-led tour of the Arboretum.
Sometimes you will see New Zealand, South Africa, California, and Australia. Sometimes you might see combinations of several gardens or the developing World Conifer Collection or Rare Fruit Garden. Tour length varies depending on what's in bloom and what the participants request.
Meet your tour guide(s) at 11:00 am at the entrance to the visitor parking lot. (Tours are canceled when the weather isn't suitable.)
Arboreteum cost is $10 General, $8 Seniors, $5 Ages 4 - 17
Sunday, 02/02/2025
Native Seed Ball Workshop - 02/02/2025 10:30 AM
Don Edwards Refuge Environmental Education Center Alviso
Let's make native wildflower seed balls! Seed balls (or "seed bombs") are an easy and fun way to distribute seeds. We'll use native wildflowers such as California poppies because they support a variety of local pollinators such as bumblebees and butterflies.
First we'll do a short walk around the Butterfly Garden, explain the benefits of native plants and pollinators, and then we'll walk you through all the steps and provide all materials for this family-friendly event. Just be prepared to get your hands a bit messy! At the end of the event, you'll have the option to take your seed balls home, or we can hold on to them to use around the Butterfly Garden.
Hidden Brain: An Evening with Shankar Vedantam - 02/02/2025 07:00 PM
The Curran Theatre San Francisco
Are there parts of our minds that are hidden from us? This question launched the Hidden Brain podcast ten years ago. Since then, the program has helped millions of listeners accomplish their goals, improve their relationships, and develop a deeper understanding of their emotions.Now, host and creator Shankar Vedantam brings seven key insights from the first decade of Hidden Brain to the stage. Whether you're new to the show or a longtime listener, this evening of science and storytelling will change how you think about yourself.
Monday, 02/03/2025
Skeletal Muscle Cell Physiology, Plasticity, and Performance - 02/03/2025 12:00 PM
Sonoma State University - Biology Colloquium Rohnert Park
Speaker: James Bagley, San Francisco State University
Artificial Humanities - 02/03/2025 12:00 PM
Sutardja Dai Hall Berkeley
Nina Beguš will present artificial humanities, an interdisciplinary framework using the humanities to thoughtfully approach the development of AI. We will focus on both fictional and historical representations of AI - from Eliza Doolittle to Eliza the chatbot - and reflect on recent product developments in AI and language while considering the powerful role that fictional narratives play in tech spaces.
Register to attend in person, or watch online. See weblink.
Unraveling the History of Atomic Force Microscopy - The Genesis and Evolution of AFM from Laboratory Instruments to Industrial Nanometrology - 02/03/2025 02:30 PM
Birge Hall Berkeley
This presentation will trace the remarkable journey of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) from its invention in 1985 by G. Binnig, C. F. Quate, and Ch. Gerber at Stanford University - during my time as a graduate student under Prof. Quate - to its current role as a critical tool in semiconductor metrology. I will highlight my contributions to commercializing AFM and the subsequent innovations, such as the flexure-based orthogonal scan system, non-contact mode in air, Z-servo optimization, and system automation, that have elevated AFM’s precision, speed, and usability. These advancements have made AFM indispensable for nanoscale research and semiconductor manufacturing. Today, Park Systems leads the AFM market, driving innovation and holding the top position in revenue and market share.
Speaker: Sang-il Park
UC Berkeley Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Seminar - 02/03/2025 03:30 PM
Etcheverry Hall Berkeley
Speaker: John Gunnar Carlsson, University of Southern California
Room 3108
Bacterial Lipoproteins: From Bacteria to Biomaterials - 02/03/2025 04:00 PM
James H. Clark Center (Bldg 340) Stanford
Speaker: Naima Sharaf, Stanford University
Room: Auditorium
FOXSI-4: The Science and Engineering Behind the Suborbital Rocket Capturing Solar Flares - 02/03/2025 04:00 PM
Sonoma State University - What Physicists Do Rohnert Park
Hunter Kanniainen from UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory will discuss the recently launched Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) sounding rocket.
Experimental Studies of Black Holes - Status & Prospects - 02/03/2025 04:15 PM
Physics North Berkeley
More than a century ago, Albert Einstein presented his general theory of gravitation. One of the predictions of this theory is that not only particles and objects with mass, but also the quanta of light, photons, are tied to the curvature of space-time, and thus to gravity. There must be a critical mass density, above which photons cannot escape. These are black holes. It took fifty years before possible candidate objects were identified by observational astronomy. Another fifty years have passed, until we finally can present detailed and credible experimental evidence that black holes of 10 to 1010 times the mass of the Sun exist in the Universe. Three very different experimental techniques have enabled these critical experimental breakthroughs. It has become possible to investigate the space-time structure in the vicinity of the event horizons of black holes. I will summarize these interferometric techniques, and discuss the spectacular recent improvements achieved with all three techniques. In conclusion, I will sketch where the path of exploration and inquiry may lead to in the next decades.
Speaker: Reinhard Genzel, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics & UC Berkeley
Tuesday, 02/04/2025
UC Berkeley Organic Chemistry Seminar - 02/04/2025 11:00 AM
Latimer Hall Berkeley
Rethinking Clark Kerr: The Uses of the University in the Age of Generative AI - 02/04/2025 12:00 PM
Sutardja Dai Hall Berkeley
Ultrathin and Stretchable Organic Photovoltaics for Emerging Applications - Livestream - 02/04/2025 12:00 PM
Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center
What did the metals know, and when did they know it? Tabletop M-edge XANES reveals hidden states in transition metal photocatalysts - 02/04/2025 04:00 PM
Latimer Hall Berkeley
A Revolution in Medicine: The Science Fueling a New Age of Cures - 02/04/2025 05:30 PM
Commonwealth Club San Francisco
Wednesday, 02/05/2025
Electrification and Decarbonization of Chemical Synthesis - 02/05/2025 10:15 AM
Tan Hall Berkeley
Deep Learning and Deep Sequencing for mRNA Design - 02/05/2025 12:00 PM
Stanley Hall Berkeley
UC Santa Cruz Whole Earth Seminar - 02/05/2025 03:30 PM
Earth and Marine Sciences Building Santa Cruz
Illuminating Marine Symbioses: Microbial Interactions, Evolution, and Inclusive Science - 02/05/2025 03:30 PM
Estuary & Ocean Science Center Tiburon
The Paradox of Sustainability - 02/05/2025 04:30 PM
Shriram Center Stanford
Transforming Pacific salmon recovery from genes to ecosystems - 02/05/2025 05:30 PM
UC Santa Cruz Silicon Valley Campus Santa Clara
Human Hibernation: Is it Possible for Space Flight? - 02/05/2025 07:30 PM
Marin Science Seminar San Rafael
Thursday, 02/06/2025
Innovation-Driven Environment of Silicon Valley - Livestream - 02/06/2025 07:00 AM
Molecular Therapeutics Seminar - 02/06/2025 10:30 AM
Innovative Genomics Institute Building (IGIB) Berkeley
A Ruthless Criticism of AI and Capitalism - 02/06/2025 12:00 PM
Social Sciences Building Room 820 Berkeley
Future Energy Ventures - 02/06/2025 01:30 PM
Environment and Energy Building (Y2E2) Stanford
A coming-of-age story: neuronal control of behavior in early life - 02/06/2025 04:00 PM
James H. Clark Center (Bldg 340) Stanford
Radical Innovations in RF and Microwave Instrumentation - 02/06/2025 04:00 PM
Sonoma State Dept. of Engineering Science Rohnert Park
NightLife: Black Thursday - 02/06/2025 06:00 PM
California Academy of Sciences San Francisco
Distant Early Warning: The Arctic Under Siege exhibit opening - 02/06/2025 06:00 PM
UC Berkeley Berkeley
After Dark: Wondrous Fungus - 02/06/2025 06:00 PM
ExplOratorium San Francisco
Friday, 02/07/2025
UC Santa Cruz Geophysical & Planetary Physics Seminar - 02/07/2025 12:00 PM
Earth and Marine Sciences Building Santa Cruz
First Friday Nights at CuriOdyssey - 02/07/2025 05:00 PM
CuriOdyssey San Mateo
First Friday: AFROFUTURISM - 02/07/2025 06:00 PM
Chabot Space and Science Center Oakland
Unraveling the Mysteries of the Sun’s Atmosphere - 02/07/2025 08:00 PM
College of San Mateo Bldg 36 San Mateo
Saturday, 02/08/2025
DNA-mineral interactions at the molecular level: implications for bacterial evolution and ecological inference - Livestream - 02/08/2025 10:30 AM
California Section American Chemical Society
Foothills Family Nature Walk - 02/08/2025 11:00 AM
Foothills Nature Preserve Los Altos
CuriOdyssey Weekend Workshop: Stop Motion - 02/08/2025 01:00 PM
CuriOdyssey San Mateo
City Public Star Party - 02/08/2025 06:00 PM
City Star Parties - Tunnel Tops Park San Francisco
Jazz Under the Stars - 02/08/2025 06:00 PM
College of San Mateo Bldg 36 San Mateo
Sunday, 02/09/2025
Bay Area Skeptics SkeptiCamp - 02/09/2025 09:00 AM
Google Visitor Experience Mountain View
Monday, 02/10/2025
The Insect Barcoding Initiative - 02/10/2025 12:00 PM
Sonoma State University - Biology Colloquium Rohnert Park
UC Berkeley Condensed Matter Seminar - 02/10/2025 02:30 PM
Birge Hall Berkeley
UC Berkeley Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Seminar - 02/10/2025 03:30 PM
Etcheverry Hall Berkeley
Nucleic acid-driven self-assemblies: from viral RNA sensors to transcription factors - 02/10/2025 04:00 PM
Stanley Hall Berkeley
Barcoding of episodic memories in the hippocampus of a food-caching bird - 02/10/2025 04:00 PM
James H. Clark Center (Bldg 340) Stanford
Hunting for Hidden Order - 02/10/2025 04:15 PM
Physics North Berkeley